Replenish a 300cc of warm water to increase metabolism rate after vibration. For weight loss management,do not eat any solid food after 2 hours of vibration. To replenish natural high-quality proteins (eg: sugar-free non-GMO warm soy milk) to achieve faster results.
The parasympathetic nerve activity will be enhanced after vertical vibration. As our gastrointestinal motility depends on the parasympathetic nerve, the best time for gastrointestinal absorption is after vertical vibration training. If we supplement natural high-quality protein at this time, we will achieve the most effective absorption effect.
In addition, the cells i.e. the smallest and most important component of the body is even important. If you can supplement high-quality protein within 30 minutes after vibration, this is the most important nutrient to provide cell membrane and nucleus to help cell health. You will be naturally healthier.